Good News Bible Chapel is led by a team of pastor-elders who are responsible for the pastoral care of the church. In addition, a team of dedicated deacons cares for the needs of the church family, the finances, and the campus facilities.
The elders…
These men meet the spiritual and character qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9, and help set the spiritual direction of Good News by feeding and protecting the assembly. As “shepherds of the flock” (see Acts 20:28) the elders teach, mentor, and provide counseling and pastoral care. The primary way that elders lead the assembly is not by authority but by their own example of life (see 1 Peter 5:2, 3).
You can contact the elders by emailing, which will go to the entire group.
The Deacon Team…
The team of Deacons at Good News administer “The Acts 4:32 Fund,” a benevolent fund used to care for the needs of those in need in the Good News family and in the community. They also serve by caring for the finances, the buildings and grounds, and the general operations at the Chapel.
To contact the Deacon Team, send an email to