Good News Bible Chapel is an independent assembly of Christ-followers where all are welcome! We have been serving God and families in the greater Attleboro area of southeastern Massachusetts and northeastern Rhode Island since 1935.
With an emphasis on clear, practical teaching from the Bible, making fully-devoted disciples of Jesus Christ, and joyful praise and worship, Good News is a place where you can explore the truths of the Bible, grow in your Christian faith, know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served.
Follow these links to learn more about our history, our mission, and what we believe.
The informal Celebration & Growth Service at 9:30am begins with contemporary praise & worship led by one of the GNBC praise bands. The dress code is informal. So some will wear a tie or skirt, but most wear whatever is comfortable. Come as you are!
This time of joyful worship and communion is followed by practical, Christ-centered teaching that systematically goes through God’s word, the Bible and challenges followers of Jesus to live holy lives “on mission.”
Safe, supervised Nursery care for infants up to 3 years old is provided during this 10:45AM service. There is a Family Room with closed circuit TV broadcast of the Celebration & Growth Service for parents with restless kids.
A safe, fun Sunday School called Good News Kids! begins in the lower Chapel at 10:45AM while the adults and teens are in the Celebration & Growth Service. Good News Kids! is led by teams of experienced teachers and provides age-appropriate ministry for children from 3 years old through 6th grade using Bible-based, family-oriented curriculum.
Life Groups – for Middle School, High School, young adults, adults, women, and men. Life Groups meet in area homes during the week for Bible study, prayer, spiritual growth, support and building friendships.
“Student ID” Youth Ministry – Middle School and High School students meet weekly on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:30pm at the Chapel throughout the school year, plus retreats and other activities throughout the year.
#GNBCservesquad – There are 8 different opportunities to serve others in the surrounding community through the ministries of GNBC. From “City Supper,” the Chapel’s weekly soup kitchen; to “Second Chance Clothes,” our monthly free clothing distribution ministry, and Celebrate Recovery, a Christian 12-step group, there are many ways for you to “Love your neighbor” with the good news of life-change through Jesus Christ at the Chapel.